Tuesday, June 11, 2013


CONNECTICUT, the framework state for one of the most heartbreaking bloody senseless episodes of AUTOMATIC GUN violence has written a well thought out series of laws to curb future episodes .
Without going in to details the promulgation of this body of regulations NATIONWIDE  could prevent thousands of future gun deaths .The chance of this happening soon  or in the near future is dubious but there is hope present and future.
The impetus of recent wholesale slaughter by gun carrying hatred inbued maniacs,with available dispensers of instant massive  firepower readily hidden and secretly carried in public has been enough to create poll changing attitudes in even NRA members that has basically changed public opinion strongly against guns and warllike weaponry.

BUT GREEDY MONEY CONTROLS THIS GAME AT PRESENT.As does Political self interest for sale IN SELFISH ELECTION MINDED MINIONS OF BOTH PARTIES,DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLIBOT At least enough of them are suspect in the House and Senate to make an up or down vote for workable weapon control a true battle EXCEPT:
THERE IS ENOUGH MONEY ON HAND AGAINST THE SUM THE NRA HAS EXPENDED OVER THE PAST 20 YEARS TO OVER WHELM THEIR CURRENT AND PAST LOBBYIST TREASURY.  This is in the form of monies available from the Bloomburg fortune and millions of others ready to contribute to the Mayors and Police for GUN CONTROL.
It is evident owning guns does not prevent the murder of even armed law enforcers in their homes  or elected officials such as Congressman Gifford who favored ownership of the very Glock automatic weapon she was seriously wounded with while six others around her excercising the right of free assembly DIED.


  1. GOP NEEDS continuing wars - Global if possible.

    It's George Orwell all over again as the Military Industrialist contingent of the Republibot party takes to the journalist barricades SHOUTING “Obama misunderstands the terrorist threat” brazenly forgetting they invaded the wrong country a decade ago..and lied America into a losing proposition in Iraqnam.
    One of the loudest mouths against the president's message is Saxby Chambless who was a top cheerleader for the Iraqnam war .! (Surprise - the Red State Ga Senator WILL NOT re run for his job in the Senate fearing Teaparty primary opposition)

    When Bush ,Cheney and Rumsfeld lost the ten year Iraq war where no "weapons of mass destruction" were found they left us with another 10 year lost war against the Afghanistan Taliban who had been defeated but came back out of the hills to restart terror in their own country while we ,the misled, wasted lives and hundred of billions of dollars in Iraq killing troops and civilians alike while destroying homes,towns and villages with long lasting debt and consequences for America and.the world.

    Billions in American taxpayer dollars never to be revealed in total amount was delivered to "warlords and tribes" while a sex involved cuckolding US General Petraeus led the deceived misled American people and Bush,our president, to surge more American IED fodder into the war torn country while building a half billion dollar embassy using the VP Cheney’s construction business to do so.
    .And we ,the public,were told we were"winning"by embedded journalists and the Fox war inspired propaganda machine .So Americans repeated the mistake of electing a "WartimePresident”
    The two incomplete Bush disasters were gift wrapped for President Obama,a present for caring enough to run for P:residential office when a depression was being born.

    So in both countries there are thousand s of dead civilians blown up or shot each month with various religions and sects killing each other in the name of Allah,,Manny ,Moe or Jack.Plus we have Syria, Lebanon and Iran in the mix for fun !

    And there are GOP politicians and bloggers who think we should jump in with boots on the pins pulled in our grenades and bayonets fixed,!

    Okay guys ,leave your desks and cushy offices,-volunteer ! Put it on the GOP credit card -.keep our deficit ridden country and 10 year overworked suicide prone military out of it.
    AND NOW THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY in the foxed up media BECAUSE WE HAVE COUNTER INTELLIGENCE IN OUR COMMUNICATIONS. This has been true for a decade or more and no American has been harmed by jaill or firing squad.
    Meanwhile we still need millions of road,bridges,tunnels,water and sewerplants and jobs plus housing.And to get out of Afghanistan.

    From: doylespar@comcast.net
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


REAGAN directed an invasion of Beirut, in 1983 ,246 Marines were blown to bits in ten seconds.He then abandoned the invasion and it cost the largest loss of Marine lives since IWO JIMA and 100 million dollars  all in 20 days .There was no investigation by Congress but then there were only 246 dead American Marines.
What  is this horseshit about Libya where four guys died who were supposed to be protected by Libyans in some house that was not an embassy?Tell Congress to raise taxes on Oil corporations and millionaires and stop this BullShit  waste of time!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Muttonhead Mitt

So, the true Mitt Robme comes out, he privately denigrates most of Americans who pay no income tax (many of whom vote Republican  in poor low IQ  RED states) but conveniently  forgets it was a Republican Clowngress that fixed the tax code it so it looked great when  the the rich got big cuts on larger incomes and less percentage wise of their money to FICA.
But these same citizens pay15% of their income to Social Security counting employer contribution which is "their money" Mitt paid 13% last year on income over 15 million dollars.
FICA isthe money that was to be used for retirement  for most Americans and put aside but went to 10,000 Atomic bombs during the Reagan regime (twelve trillion in 2012 dollars) and two lost wars during  the " W" baby bush disaster. (another 4.5 Trillion dollars)

 That's all the money  America is in DEFICIT!

When it comes to  reckoning, the Ruthless Ryan/Robme Misfits are already asking all of us to make up for what was misspent. We have seen our FICA payments spent on GOP (GAS OLD PEOPLE) schemes like tax escape codes for corporations like GE paying no tax for years as well as millionaires and billionaires paying little or no taxes on massive incomes.(like Mitt)
 All while the "not paying taxes"crowd see their 15% FICA deductions go to make up for the loss ! The Low Tax Blessed"Job Creators"have not created any jobs for ten years or worse. STILL DON'T.

INCIDENTALLY, today  the announcement came that  Billionaires increased in 2011  by 10% in the"Bad economy"the US and world is suffering, there are now over 2400 of them.That's because so many others have been screwed,the one percent is not looking for food stamps. Millionaires in the US increased by thousands last year and their  income increased  from about TEN TRILLION TO ELEVEN TRILLION.
And Mitt wants to grant another 20% tax cut to his group if he is (shudder) elected.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

GOP (Gas Old People)

I had the displeasure of hearing two codgers about my age speaking today as they waited for their prescriptions on a bench at WALMART. They were agreeing that "he shouldn' t have apologized " and commiserating in their ignorance,another comment"it'll only get worse,just you wait" .My initial thought was to ask them how they felt there was an apology for anything by anyone but I knew the statement by earnest but ignorant stiff Mitt Robme was the person who planted the seed of this stupid comment in their rapidly deteriorating brains.
This vignette demonstrates how the NAZI JOSEL GOEBBELS BIG LIE  works on those who REALLY WANT TO BELIEVE what they hear from anyone they think merits credibilty. Mitt looks pretty wearing a white shirt and blue suit and he has money from outsourcing and his Father's fortune. My immediate judgement was they are bom in the barn GOP (GAS OLD PEOPLE) Basically this writer knew there would be no point in engaging them in conversation reason being in the past twenty years there was only one president left W,.Bush,the incompetent ''DECIDER".
To top it off one muttered,"And Clinton was no good either" and the other grunted assent.Clinton was the only United States president who balanced the budget in a CENTURY and it was four years in a row .
 Further  I should have asked these old frats WHO made an apology,it had to be President Obama. I checked all of the film clips for 24 hours and saw nothing in the way of an apology from anyone in the US adminstration,the word sorry or apologize did not appear nor did any synonym,except for the word used in Mitt's twisted imagination "let's pretend I' m the prez" speech to his paid lackeys.
So BY ELIMINATION the remaining president who left the United States with two lost twelve year wars,60,000 AMERICAN MILITARYcasualties,150,000 dead innocent Iraqi civlians and a 6 trillion dollar  deficit due to wars and tax cuts for oil corporations and millionaires plus a bankrupt economy way before Obama was elected must be THEIR HERO.So being a research oriented guy I looked up independent opinions by learned historians and political analysts of American presidents since1776,I have been alive for one third of the time we are a country.
Here's what I wish the two old frats were able to read and comprehend (though doubtful)
A 2006 Siena College poll of 744 professors reported the following results:[9]
  • "George W. Bush has just finished five years as President. If today were the last day of his presidency, how would you rank him? The responses were: Great: 2%; Near Great: 5%; Average: 11%; Below Average: 24%; Failure: 58%."
  • "In your judgment, do you think he has a realistic chance of improving his rating?” Two-thirds (67%) responded no; less than a quarter (23%) responded yes; and 10% chose no opinion or not applicable."
Thomas Kelly, professor emeritus of American studies at Siena College, said: "President Bush would seem to have small hope for high marks from the current generation of practicing historians and political scientists. In this case, current public opinion polls actually seem to cut the President more slack than the experts do." Dr. Douglas Lonnstrom, Siena College professor of statistics and director of the Siena Research Institute, stated: "In our 2002 presidential rating, with a group of experts comparable to this current poll, President Bush ranked 23rd of 42 presidents. That was shortly after 9/11. Clearly, the professors do not think things have gone well for him in the past few years. These are the experts that teach college students today and will write the history of this era tomorrow."[9]
A 2010 Siena poll of 238 Presidential scholars found that former president George W. Bush was ranked 39th out of 43, with poor ratings in handling of the economy, communication, ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence. Meanwhile, the current president, Barack Obama was ranked 15th out of 43, with high ratings for imagination, communication ability and intelligence and a low rating for background (family, education and experience).[10][11] Sadly and to the detriment of America these two are allowed to vote!

Monday, September 10, 2012


The 2 Republican candidates are the Charles Manson and Hannibel Lechter's of the political scene
. Carried out as written the AMA and other unbiased involved medical groups could point out the plans outlined by the GOP(GAS OLD PEOPLE) deadly duo would result in at least an added 200,000 deaths per year due to lost medical care and nutrition reduction of dependent Americans.
Know anyone who needs medicaid or food stamps,love them?