Friday, August 31, 2012


What does the Republican parent tell his kids when  they discover the VP choice made by a wealthy applicant for PRESIDENT OF THE US(us suckers)_deliberately lies in his speech before millions of people and newspapers all over the country make it evident in headlines alloverthe country?.Is lying a governing talent or virtue making Ryan electable for all or ONLY FOR DESPERATE REPUBLICANS.Is deliberate lying  pardonable in the eyes of bigots or Catholics who seem to be attracted to the Clowngressman even though Catholic Bishops have criticized him for his plans to remove medical care from millions and the little help given by foodstamps while giving tax cuts to oil firms and millionaires of all kinds?
Of course we have precedent in Nixon saying"I am not a crook".
 And another example aside from WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION we have budget director Mitch Daniels forW. Bush stating the Iraq war would cost 50 to 60 billion dollars for six months.LIES SEEM TO BE A GOP POLITICAL TOOL as acceptable as the filibuster which they treated the American taxpayer to 84 times in a 40 week years showing how eager they are to get things done with their 12% approval rating.
The Truthometer is gonna break if Lyin Ryan keeps talking.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bloomburg Posting

Surer than Hell some Weasel lawyers for the accused will change the "meaning" of the words that prevent inside trading.
 I can tell what it is when I see it and so can most of the millions of private investors in the NYSE  and NASDAQ just like the fabled judge who knew Porn when he saw it because he watched so much of it.
Inside Trading defrauds  the average investor BIG TIME. LAWYERS AND BIG MONEY changed the meaning of  the second amendment of the US Constitution so any maniac , terrorist or convicted criminal can buy an automatic weapon without examination or question. See the result every day in headlines all over the nation in schools, banks and churches IN THE DEAD BODIES OF INNOCENT KIDS,WOMEN AND MEN..
"FREE SPEECH "in our out dated meaningless constitution has been changed to mean free to the biggest corporate spenders because  they can buy a Presidency OF THE PREVIOUSLY " UNITED"STATES.
We need judges with a strict code of semantics and the dictionary. Using Originalism in supreme court decisions  is meaningless when Ben Franklin would never recognizes a ball pointpen,telephone or Health Insurance. and a new CONSTITUTION that updates to the reality  technology and culture of the 21st Century.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So Flipper is insulted by the "Chain"word in a Biden speech.Where is this stiff from,another planet? Meanwhile he has brought on the UNDERTAKER AS HIS VP
If Ryan's plans for Medicare and Medicaid are adopted if these sanguine stiffs are elected there will be more than 120,000 people dying for the lack of medical care EACHYEAR and more DEPENDENTS AS WELL.Check the AMA statistics on this.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

So "Flipper has a VP goody two muddy shoes right from the GOP  non factgory.
Manson and Hannibel Lecter,budget geniuses waving the GOP banner, GAS OLD PEOPLE!
Voters will love the extra $12,000 per couple Rotten Ryan wants us to pay for Medicare and what happens to Social Security, wait for the next chapter.?Only the rich will like him and Mitt Robme ,perfect together.What a mess, can't wait for the debates when they discuss Robmneycare/Obamacare, perfect together again!
They may hate each other after November.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Waddya no, myh first blog and only hone mispal (4)

Still learning, have a page aside here with2 grinding gears, noideaifit's making coffee,chittlings, or ideas fora blog.Just goes on taking a space on my HP
Oh well, tomorrows another day-should blogs be done to perfection or or are mispells okay? ANYONE??