Friday, August 31, 2012


What does the Republican parent tell his kids when  they discover the VP choice made by a wealthy applicant for PRESIDENT OF THE US(us suckers)_deliberately lies in his speech before millions of people and newspapers all over the country make it evident in headlines alloverthe country?.Is lying a governing talent or virtue making Ryan electable for all or ONLY FOR DESPERATE REPUBLICANS.Is deliberate lying  pardonable in the eyes of bigots or Catholics who seem to be attracted to the Clowngressman even though Catholic Bishops have criticized him for his plans to remove medical care from millions and the little help given by foodstamps while giving tax cuts to oil firms and millionaires of all kinds?
Of course we have precedent in Nixon saying"I am not a crook".
 And another example aside from WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION we have budget director Mitch Daniels forW. Bush stating the Iraq war would cost 50 to 60 billion dollars for six months.LIES SEEM TO BE A GOP POLITICAL TOOL as acceptable as the filibuster which they treated the American taxpayer to 84 times in a 40 week years showing how eager they are to get things done with their 12% approval rating.
The Truthometer is gonna break if Lyin Ryan keeps talking.

1 comment:

  1. 2012 Democratic National Convention Schedule - Charlotte, N.C.

    4:00 PM - Opening Flag Burning Ceremony - sponsored by CNN
    4:05 PM - Singing of "God Damn America" - led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright
    4:10 PM - Pledge of Allegiance to Obama
    4:15 PM - Ceremonial 'I hate America' - led by Michelle Obama
    4:30 PM - Tips on "How to keep your man trustworthy & true while you travel the world" - Hillary Clinton
    4:45 PM - Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson seminar - "How to have a successful career without having a job."
    5:00 PM - "Great Vacations I've Taken on the Taxpayer's Dime" Travel Log - Michelle Obama
    5:30 PM - Eliot Spitzer Speaks on "Family Values" via Satellite
    5:45 PM - Tribute to All 57 States - Nancy Pelosi
    6:00 PM - Sen. Harry Reid - 90-minute speech expressing the Democrats' appreciation of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and George Soros for sparing no expense, for all that they have accomplished to unify the country, improve employment and to boost the economy.
    8:30 PM - Airing of Grievances - by the Clintons
    9:00 PM - "Bias in Media - How we can make it work for you" Tutorial -sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times
    9:15 PM - Tribute Film to Brave Freedom Fighters incarcerated at GITMO - Michael Moore
    9:30 PM - Anthony Weiner entertains audience with his personal slide presentation
    9:45 PM - Personal Finance Seminar - Charlie Rangle
    10:00 PM - Denunciation of Bitter Gun Owners and Bible readers ,
    10:30 PM - Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for IRAQ , & Afghanistan
    11:00 PM - Obama Energy Plan Symposium / Tire Gauge Demonstration / You too can get rich with Green Investment bankruptcies
    11:15 PM - Free Gov. Blagoiovich rally
    11:30 PM - Obama Accepts Oscar, Tony and Latin Grammy Awards
    11:45 PM - Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish - Obama presiding
    12:00 AM - Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher and Chris 'sends a thrill up my leg' Matthews
    12:01 AM - Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and Savior by waving his fake birth certificate
    12:05 AM - Celestial Choirs Sing
    3:00 AM - Joe Biden wakes up and delivers acceptance speech to an empty room -
    (The convention was over at 12:30 AM).
