Saturday, September 1, 2012

Coven of Indigenous Terrorists

On the eve of President Obama's inauguration in 2009 FIFTEEN disgusting examples of elected Republican officials to the United States Congress banded together to plan a concerted obstructive method of preventing any progress on the part of the President and his party for the next four years .
 The  Democrats were successful in passing a forty years  overdue national Health care plan in their first two years in office however---
The GOP tactics which can be found outlined in any newspaper or article about Congressional activity on the internet meant little progress due to filibuster rules requiring a 60% majority to pass bills in the house for Democratic aims even including non partisan appointments to federal courts and federal state courts.Losing seats in the House after the 2010 election helped make these saboteurs the dam that clogged progress INCLUDING JOB CREATION to this day.
A book has been written about this plot by Roger Draper .It is no shock to find such miserable individuals as Senators John Ensign ,unabashed SEX IN THE OFFICE cheater and Newt Gingrich of the abandoned wife and "patriotic" penis,,Senator Dimwit of South Carolina who stated recently the government does not need new taxes or income,Paul Ryan ",the lean and hungry look let medicaid people die in the streets"proponent of 20% tax cuts for the rich AND OIL FIRMS  ,Rep Erik Cantor of the credit downgrading  pee party fame and others beholden to the Military Industrialists and the greedy rich  cults in America.
No doubt voters who  believe they were  born Republican are chortling over the additional cesspool they created after leaving real Americans with 2 lost Twelve year wars and a bankrupt economy. Any actuary will estimate 75 to 100 years to come close to any remedy in Untied States of America..It is doubtful we have that long considering the ignorance of the American Electorate.There are still a lingering 25% in favor of W.Bush and his pointless policies on all plan,foreign and domestic.
The GOP group described above are not Americans and neither are those who support them.

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